On March 16, 2022, the British Medical Journal published an opinion editorial titled “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine”.
Pause. Deep breath.
Finally. Finally, the corruption, greed, incompetence and criminal behaviours that have been hiding in plain sight under the cover of “science” are being exposed from inside the system by those brave enough and intelligent enough to see the truth.
This is not news to anyone that’s been a student of natural healing. My friends, colleagues and I have been watching and waiting, often in horror and incredulity as this system of “medicine” has been increasingly corrupted while profits and greed have been placed before the good of humanity. When this corruption began to take hold is hard to say, but it was certainly evident twenty years ago when I started studying natural healing and I would guess it began at least a generation earlier. Certainly, when public funding for scientific research hit its limits and big pharma began controlling the money and the outcomes.
A few key passages from the article:
“The short term stimulus to biomedical research because of privatisation has been celebrated by free market champions, but the unintended, long term consequences for medicine have been severe. Scientific progress is thwarted by the ownership of data and knowledge because industry suppresses negative trial results, fails to report adverse events, and does not share raw data with the academic research community. Patients die because of the adverse impact of commercial interests on the research agenda, universities, and regulators.”
“The preservation of institutions designed to further scientific objectivity and impartiality (i.e., public laboratories, independent scientific periodicals and congresses) is entirely at the mercy of political and commercial power; vested interest will always override the rationality of evidence.”
“Regulators receive funding from industry and use industry funded and performed trials to approve drugs, without in most cases seeing the raw data. What confidence do we have in a system in which drug companies are permitted to “mark their own homework” rather than having their products tested by independent experts as part of a public regulatory system?”
At this writing, it has been ten days since this article was published. It should be having a huge impact in the scientific community. It should all over social media and the topic of discussion for clinicians and scientists all over the world. When I checked it today, there were FIVE comments, it’s been picked up by ONE news outlet, it’s been tweeted 2954 times and shared on Facebook three times. But, hey, maybe I can reach three more people with this article, and if you three share it with three more, then we’ll reach at least a dozen people, and we’ll cross our fingers and let exponential math take it from there. Think globally, act locally, they say.
I’ve been watching and listening to Dr. John Campbell, a down-to-earth, lovely British gentleman that also happens to be a highly credentialed and reliable expert in understanding health studies. His YouTube channel is a fantastic resource for anyone that would like help understanding the data so you can form your own opinions. Over the course of the past few months, his regular viewers have seen the lights coming on as John connects the dots and he’s beginning to understand the depth of the impacts Big Pharma is having in medicine. His review of the BMJ paper is a must-watch. It’s had over 500,000 views at this writing and it was released two days ago. That’s encouraging.
I’m also optimistic about a book I’m reading by Dr. John Abramson. Dr. Abramson has been making the rounds on the podcast circuit too, so even though his book may not be a bestseller (yet, fingers crossed), the concepts in his book have been viewed by millions of people all over the world. The name of the book is “Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It”.

Dr. Abramson has testified under oath in trials against big pharma. He understands their corrupt, criminal tactics extremely well, and he lays it all out, with plenty of references. It’s actually surprising that he’s not angrier given his proximity to the problem.
Here’s a quick highlight reel of his appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast:
But I strongly urge anyone that’s new to this information to watch the full episode and hear all the dirt first hand for themselves, or of course, read his book.
I had to ask myself what I hope to achieve by writing this article. I feel mildly validated, but only mildly because I know this information is a small drop of truth in a festering, rotting vat of greed and corruption. It’s possible that none of this info sees the light of day and most clinicians and scientists will simply carry on, naively unaware that they are cogs in the wheel of big pharma’s criminal interests. I’m not looking for validation, I’m willing to let that be the icing on cake when this system faces MAJOR reform and people become the priority over profits and power. No, my intention is to shine more light for more people into the darkness that has overtaken “evidence based medicine” and the scientific process in general by sharing this information. Maybe, at the very least you’re willing to question your doctor when they write you a prescription, bring up this very important topic and start a conversation. Ask them how much they really know about this drug, the safety of it, the effectiveness of it and how many people need to be treated with it for the condition you’re dealing with for there to be a positive benefit. Ask them if they know anything about the all-cause mortality associated with it and ask them if there are lifestyle factors like diet and exercise that would help more than the drug will. Finally, ask them if they know if the data from clinical trials on that drug have been independently reviewed or if they’ve ever looked at that data themselves, or if they’ve gotten their information from drug company reps peddling journal articles that have been retracted or reach questionable conclusions. I encourage compassion for the frontline physicians, they’ve been duped and it takes a lot of time, effort and backbone to question the narrative that they and their colleagues have been steeped in from the time they entered post-secondary academia.
Our world is in a state of major transition and if you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m oriented to take a philosophical, spiritual, big picture view of life and this is certainly no different. It makes sense to me that we’re moving into a new phase of humanity and to get there, a lot of people will have to wake up out of the illusions we’ve been living in. The bastardization of healing and medicine that’s been perpetrated by big pharma is only one piece of that puzzle, but it’s a very important one.
I think we’re opening the doors to a much more holistic, community-oriented system of health and healing. One where we take our health into our own hands, instead of relying on modern medicine to give us a pill when we’re unwell and we understand the value of eating well, sleeping well, spending time in nature and collaborating with other humans. I also think energy and vibrational medicine are going to take centre stage when it comes to healing, despite wicked attempts at destruction of these effective, inexpensive and unpatentable methods by the pharma machine. These systems are already in use by practitioners like myself, but they are not yet part of the conversation in mainstream medicine. I hope I’m still on the planet to see the day, but for now I have to be content to watch the old system fall apart with glee and keep learning so I can help as many people embrace true health care as I can.