First, no judgement here.
If you overdid it at the dinner table, or before dinner, or after dinner, or between breakfast, lunch and dinner….or just constantly for the duration of the holidays, I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve felt the blah, icky, guilty, shame of wrecking myself with food because there was just SO much temptation and SO little control. Thankfully, I don’t feel that way anymore for a number of reasons that I think will help you too. It can be really easy to just keep sliding down into the abyss of food hijacking, so I’m glad you’re here and ready to take some action to shift this!

How I break free from the cycle
- I’m no longer a victim of diet culture and the impossible beauty standards of society that used to make me feel horrible about myself because my body has a tendency to store fat. Maybe you can relate. I used to beat up on myself and told myself I was a weak, greedy glutton, a pathetic, fat loser. I am not exagerating and I know I’m not alone. The shame and guilt that accompanies extra weight powers a multi-million dollar weight loss industry. My perspective has shifted dramatically over the years and even though my body still likes to pack away as many extra calories as it can, I don’t view that as a character flaw. It means NOTHING about who I am, my work ethic, my mental fortitude or my intelligence. Shifting out of shame, guilt and self-judgement with EFT Tapping was a huge key to my empowerment around this.
- I consistently eat well and move regularly because I genuinely love myself now and I feel better, think better and enjoy my life more when I do those things, not because I’m trying to lose weight or avoid gaining weight.
- If and when I find myself “hijacked”, which is the term I use to describe being in the grip of constant food cravings and overindulgence (which still happens ocassionally, although it happens less and less the more solid my foundation of healthy habits), I use at least a few of my ten steps to getting unhijacked and I’m able to break free of that damaging cycle quickly.
If you’ve indulged more than your body can handle and you’re feeling really lousy, bloated, in pain, depressed and defeated, take these powerful steps to take control today.
- Make yourself some homemade bone broth to soothe an irritated gut and nourish your soul. Chances are you have turkey bones leftover, so now is a good time to start a big pot of broth. If you’re new to homemade broth, check out my favourite recipe from a master here.
- Drink at least 2 litres of water today to help flush out inflammatory compounds.
- Get outside for a walk, even if it’s dull and grey to get some natural light into your eyes and help reset your dopamine levels.
- Do some EFT tapping on food cravings, self-judgement or anything else that you’re feeling. Do your best to shift out of that attitude of self-deprication and foster self-compassion. If you’re someone that’s prone to getting hijacked, it’s not your fault and it’s not a character flaw. You can learn how to work with and through it.
- Look through my ten steps to getting unhijacked and do the things that are easiest for you. Taking action on getting unhooked is powerful in it’s own right. This is your life and your body, it’s all up to you.
If you need some support and expert guidance, consider signing up for my brand new 5 day whole food reset this January. This program takes care of step one of getting unhijacked and is a powerful way to unhook from relentless cravings!