I appreciate all of my clients, but the long-term clients that I’ve developed deep relationships with over the years are so much fun to work with. We often have interesting, exploratory conversations in our work together that provides great benefit to conscious evolution, sometimes for both of us! After some time together, we work from a solid platform of deep, spiritual understandings that we have developed, both together and independently over time that lends itself well to playful interactions with something most of us call “The Universe” for lack of a better word. It doesn’t matter how we refer to it, we know what the other means and we are often in awe at its magic as things unfold in our sessions.

In this particular session, my client was giving me a report on progress and events that had transpired in the last month. She’s been developing trust in herself, getting clear guidance and working through the self-doubt that we all seem to bump up against from time to time. She’s been heavily involved in the energy healing community in her town but things have been shifting there and she’d been very unclear about her role and how to move forward with healing work. Trying to sort out guidance from our higher selves is tough work and we all struggle with how to differentiate between our egos, our subconscious fears and the voice of spirit. We had been working through some stuckness of not being sure what the next step was for months.
As we unpacked events, thoughts and potential blocks, a hawk came and sat outside her window and stayed for over 30 minutes. We talked about the hawk, she asked if it had a message for her. All she felt in the moment was that she was on the right track. We both had some goosebumps, which is always an indication for me that I’m paying attention to the right things in my work and we continued to work away while the hawk sat with us.
Traditional wisdom, spiritualty, metaphysical and other energy teachings hold that all things in nature have a unique energy signature that we can use in various ways. When an animal shows up in unusual or unexpected ways, we pay attention and we “spiritual” types often head to our favourite animal wisdom books and websites to see what messages spirit is giving us through the symbolism of the animal. After our session, she went and looked up the energy of hawk and sent me this excerpt from a website she found (https://www.californiapsychics.com/blog/animal-sightings-symbolism/meaning-hawk-sighting.html):
“Spread Your Wings and Expand Your Consciousness
When you have a hawk sighting, it’s a sign from the spirit realm that you are ready to take on a larger, more powerful expansion and vision of your world. The hawk symbolizes a need to start looking forward, envisioning your path ahead, and perhaps even preparing for a greater role in life. You could end up leading a group or church, becoming a parent or just finding a wider audience for your talents, gifts, and ideas. A hawk sighting is a direct message from the angels and the Great Spirit that the time has come to spread your wings, to fly higher, and to expand your vision.
What does the hawk know that you don’t?
In the physical world, hawks have incredible eyesight, and because of that they have an association, in a spiritual sense, with clairvoyance, meaning “to see.” When a hawk comes into your life, it’s telling you to trust your instincts and your intuition, and let them lead you to the next step in line with your path. Note, the hawk will not lead you on a path that is not yours to follow. They are simply here to show you that it’s time to expand your own road and make greater that which already exists within you. Having trust in your higher self will lead you to greater freedom of mind, body, and soul.
Caring and Steadfast
Hawks hunt in groups and they mate for life. As an expansion of the thought of eliminating those psychic vampires, the hawk surrounds himself with those he can trust—in love, life, and the hunt. When you have a hawk sighting, it means you should take a look at those you call your family (or soul family). If you are fortunate and wise, you have chosen your friends well. You also know you can trust them in times of bounty and in times of want. Hopefully, you are equally as caring and steadfast.
Seeing the Big Picture
You can call upon the hawk’s clarity to help you when you are feeling “stuck.” The hawk can help you when you feel like something’s missing. Often the answers we seek are right before us. However, life can get in the way. This may cause us to overlook even the most obvious next steps. The hawk’s focus can help us to not only see the bigger picture, but it can also reveal the clearest path ahead.”
It was perfect; exactly what she needed to hear to help her take the next steps that she had been wondering about.
Guidance can take all sorts of forms. Messages from animals is one that’s really fun and playful and acts as a strong affirmation that there is order and something that is watching over us, loving us and supporting us beyond this human experience. Over the course of the next three days, I had a red-tailed hawk hanging around my house. He was hunting and eating right outside my kitchen windows where I’d be sure to see him. I’ve never seen that before and I haven’t seen it since. I guess I needed to hear the same message. It’s so fun to play with unseen forces of the universe.